Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 8

Last night we didn't eat burritos. We had burgers instead. The key with our diet program is reducing the amount of fat in meats that we eat. So for beef, it has to be 96% fat free. So there is the dilemma of making burgers and keeping them together without all the needed fat. What I do, is add an egg. That usually helps. But like I said yesterday, you really need to use a lot of herbs and spices. That's what I did with the burgers. I used garlic, Worcestershire, sumac (which I really love, it adds an earthy sweetness to a dish), pepper, and parsley. They came out really good. You can't use normal buns. You pretty much have to use double fiber bread. It works. I didn't give Baylee any, because she is not much of a beef eater, and I'm not gonna make her, when she tries pretty much everything else that I make her (time off for good behavior). The burger and bread is the whole meal. No fries or any other side. Sometimes its tough when you want all this other stuff, but I know the outcome, so its worth it.
Tonight, roasted chicken and garlic and lemon sauteed broccoli and cauliflower. It doesn't sound all that exciting, but with the proper use of herbs, it will be very good. I'll tell you how much my family likes it tomorrow.
One thing I like about not having a job right now is being the first face Chloe sees when she wakes up from her naps and she has the biggest tooth grin I've ever seen. That makes my day everyday!
I'm excited that the weather looks like it will cooperate for the weekend for us to go hiking! I love seeing what God has created in all its natural beauty!
I'm a little nervous, Baylee has CRCT (well, whatever its called for private schools) this week. She needs to do well in order to make it to the fourth grade. She has been struggling a little this year. Its a new school, and new expectations. I really want her to do great!

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