Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 4

We already talked about last night's food. Again really good!
Chloe did a little bit better last night. She stayed in her crib. I found out why she is probably not sleeping. I had to take her to the doctor to get shots. Dr. Hale said that since she has decided to wait to have teeth come in for so long, there are quite a few coming in at once, so the next couple of weeks will be like this (fun!). She was a real trooper when it came to getting her shots. She cried for a minute, but it was one of those where it took her breath away, her eyes were really big and she was looking at me the whole time. I almost starting balling. Carla made me go by myself because she couldn't handle it. I don't think its fair I have to do it by myself either. After wards, she was laughing again and was just fine. Great, great baby.
Today is another stellar day! The yard needs mowed, but I don't want to do it just yet, maybe tomorrow or next weekend.
Tonight, I'll shred the tenderloin and toss it in beef stock, the tomatoes, pasta and spinach at the end. Haven't decided what herbs I'm gonna use yet, but I'll let you know.
On another note, Baylee has become addicted with watching me play Final Fantasy XIII. She asks all the time, "can you play your game?". She got out of school early today and has already asked if I could play my game. Its hard to play it right now with NCAA March Madness going on. Luckily I have the March Madness app for my phone. So we'll see. I probably will just for her of course.

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